Dreamer's Refuge ב"ה

A Student of Sense and Nonsense

The Candy Sellers Convention

The American election is in full swing, and we’ve just witnessed the conventions from both sides of the aisle. Both events were notably light on policy. The RNC provided broad outlines of its plans, while the DNC focused primarily on vibes and emotions—especially joy.

Socrates despised democracy. He saw it as a choice between a doctor offering bitter medicine and a candy seller providing empty but sweet treats. Among these choices, the Democrats seem to offer nothing but empty, sweet-sounding platitudes. Ironically, their nominee, who currently holds the office of Vice President, critiques issues in America that she, her running mate, and her party, have had ample opportunity to address.

Over the past 16 years, Democrats have held the presidency for 12 of those years (under Obama and Biden), while Republicans held it for only 4 (under Trump). Despite this dominance, many of the problems she now promises to fix remain unresolved, and are directly caused by the liberal policies themselves. These same issues are also prevalent in California, a state entirely controlled by the Democratic Party, where she once served as Attorney General. This should raise the question of why, after years of Democratic leadership both nationally and locally, these problems not only persist but are worsening. Issues like illegal immigration, inflation, crime, deaths of despair (due to drug addictions), and the disillusion of the nuclear family are all endemic in Democrat-controlled cities and states. This is what she will bring to America as a whole if she and the Democrats continue to win.

Adding to the irony, from a party wanting to “Save Democracy”, Kamala Harris wasn’t nominated by popular vote but was placed into her position by the political elite. No one voted for her directly – she has received zero votes, yet she now holds one of the highest offices in the land and stands poised to lead the nation if she wins.

Many of her statements also echo communist rhetoric, likely influenced by her upbringing under her Marxist professor father. As someone who escaped communism from the former USSR in the 1980s, I do not want to see it take root in the West or America. It will destroy this country as it destroyed Russia.

The West and America stand at a crossroads. Trump is no savior, but he might be able to hold back the tide of anti-Western, anti-G-d ideas spreading in this country long enough for some people to wake up and reconsider where we are headed as a nation, and civilization. RFK Jr. joining the ticket and forming a unity coalition between independents and Republicans could be enough to win the election. But, as always, G-d leads us to the threshold, and we must take the final step through it with our vote.

I believe Divine intervention saved Trump from an assassin’s bullet; I believe RFK Jr. joining his team is also a sign of unity, that even though we may disagree on some things, love of G-d, love of Country and love of our fellow man, is what unites us. Will enough G-d-believing people vote in the country to counter the growing communist threat, or will the people choose the candy seller? Daniel 2:31-35 contains a prophecy that speaks negatively of the West, predicting it will split apart and fall. But negative prophecies can be avoided by turning back to G-d, which is what built this nation.

G-d willing, America (and the West) will turn back from the cliff it is currently heading towards.

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