Dreamer's Refuge ב"ה

A Student of Sense and Nonsense

Putting it all together: Panpsychism and Process Philosophy

Saw an interesting video about Panpsychism:

David brought up an interesting problem… integration of consciousness into a whole.  I have also been a proponent of what is called Process Philosophy (though not by name, I did not know it was an actual philosophy till reading about it and googling it very recently).

In my opinion, I believe that consciousness, like the universe, energy, matter and life are foundational.  They build upon each other in a process.

In other words out of one comes the other. They are not emergent.  In other words it is dependent origination.

You do not have a body, you are your body.  All parts of your body communicate with each other either chemically, or via nerve impulses to create what you perceive as one entity.  The consciousness that is you.  The Brain is the information processing,  memory storage, and probability generator organ.

Some interesting links that are suggestive of that:

Other Research on Consciousness:

Neural cytoskeleton capabilities for learning and memory

Consciousness as a State of Matter

The Emergence of Consciousness in the Quantum Universe

Quantum Mechanics Of Consciousness

Quantum Non-Locality and Universe

Emergent Consciousness: From the Early Universe to Our Mind

Quantum Computation in Brain Microtubules? Decoherence and Biological Feasibility

Anesthesia Points to Deeper Level ‘Quantum Channels’ as Origins of Consciousness

Consciousness has less control than believed, according to new theory

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